“Yet the chief butler did not remember Joseph but forgot him” (Genesis 40:23).
He never committed the crime. Even though Timothy Cole was offered probation in exchange for a guilty plea, he refused to confess guilt to an offense he did not carry out. In the mid-1980s, the “Tech Rapist” had been stalking Texas Tech University. When the fifth rape victim identified Cole as the assailant, a jury convicted him and sentenced him to 25 years in prison. Fourteen years later Timothy died of a massive heart attack caused by an asthmatic condition. He was still in prison and only 39 years old.
Eight years after Cole’s death, Jerry Wayne Johnson, a Texas inmate, admitted to committing the crime for which Timothy Cole was convicted. The local district attorney’s office located physical DNA evidence from the case and confirmed that Johnson was in fact guilty. Timothy Cole was not forgotten after all. On April 7, 2009, he was finally exonerated.
Timothy Cole could have empathized with Joseph. When Potiphar’s wife unjustly accused Joseph of misconduct, Potiphar threw him in prison. But what appears to be a sad ending to this young Hebrew’s life was really another step in God’s plan to use Joseph for His purposes.
Joseph’s conduct was so honourable that he was soon placed in charge of the prisoners while he himself was still in prison. One day he discovered Pharaoh’s chief butler and baker locked up. After both of them had strange dreams, Joseph interpreted the visions for them. The butler would be restored to his job, but the baker would perish. All of this happened as God foretold.
Unfortunately, when Joseph asked the butler to remember him before Pharaoh, the freed man forgot all about him. It must have been crushing to this innocent young prisoner. Though the butler didn’t remember Joseph, God had not forgotten about His servant. And He will never forget about you.
Dear Father, when I am unjustly accused, may I remember that You will make all things right in Your time.
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