AFO Governance

Doug Batchelor
Doug Batchelor is the president and speaker for Amazing Facts International and the lead pastor of the Granite Bay Hilltop Adventist Church in California. His biblical teaching programs can be seen daily on national and international television networks, and via you-tube throughout the world. He co-hosts the popular weekly radio program, Bible Answers Live and is the author of numerous articles and books including, The Richest Caveman, Caveman Theology, Broken Chains, and At Jesus’ Feet. Doug is a man of vision and deep spirituality, yet his down-to-earth approach and spontaneous humour enable him to communicate with both Christian and secular audiences.

Jëan Ross
Pastor Jëan Ross serves as the Vice President of Evangelism for Amazing Facts. Along with Pastor Doug Batchelor, he co-hosts a weekly radio program called Bible Answers Live. Pastor Ross has more than 25 years of pastoral experience and has conducted multiple evangelistic seminars and outreach training events. Jëan serves as the administrative pastor of Granite Bay Seventh-day Adventist church. His insightful and Spirit-filled presentations on health, evangelism, Bible
prophecy, and practical godliness are inspiring and engaging.

Andrew Taylor
Andrew Taylor is Vice President of ministry development working as part of the executive team of Amazing Facts International for the past 24 years. Andrew is a Certified Fundraising Executive (CFRE) and Chartered Advisor of Philanthropy (CAP) helping people invest in reaching and saving the lost and developing relationships that last into eternity. He loves to help people fulfill their dreams of making an infinite difference in people’s lives through Amazing Facts worldwide evangelism work. He serves as an elder in his local church and enjoys giving Bible studies.

Mike Rich
Michael Rich is the Amazing Facts Vice-president of Finance. He has been with Amazing Facts for 14 years. He has a B.S. in Accounting and is also a C.P.A. He is an active member of Granite Bay Hilltop Adventist Church where he serves as a teacher. Together with his wife, Suzanne, they have a daughter and two grandchildren.

Ron Milson
Originally from Melbourne, Australia, Ron, his wife Katrina and their son moved to California, USA in 2007 where they attended the Granite Bay SDA Church and were heavily involved in reaching and growing their community for Christ alongside Pastor Jëan Ross and Pastor Doug Batchelor. In 2021, Ron and his family returned to re-settle in Gold Coast, Australia, where in addition to working full time in his career, Ron volunteers a significant amount of his time to co-directing the operations and ensuring the firm establishment and future growth of Amazing Facts Oceania. Ron has a bachelor’s degree in Engineering (mechanical) with a professional career spanning over 30 years.

Johnny Wong
Johnny Wong is a lay person who is the Elder of a church called Gateway Adventist Centre (GAC), an SDA outreach in Melbourne. He has been involved in five urban church plants and conducted training in over 25 countries in urban evangelism. GAC has been blessed with over 230 baptisms with a high retention rate through intentional discipleship. He has served on the conference executive committee and other company board of directors. His passion is to see young people mobilized as an army of youth presenting the everlasting gospel. His academic training is in Information Technology and he has served in management positions at Oracle Corporation, Hewlett-Packard, Ansett Australia Group and Penguin Books.
Introducing our new Amazing Facts Oceania Operations Manager

Charmaine Wigglesworth
Charmaine has been appointed as Operations Manager for Amazing Facts Oceania. She has worked in a variety of ministry roles over the years including health ministries, personal ministries, and media evangelism. She served on the board of directors for The Incredible Journey for 2.5 years as board secretary. She worked with Amazing Facts Oceania in 2019 – 2020 to launch the Amazing Facts Oceania Bible School, where she passionately nurtured AFO television audience viewers through to faith and baptism. She has a Bachelor of Business and Marketing Communications which she pursued in order to be better equipped to help spread God’s last day message.