Dear Friends,
We are called as God’s end-time Disciples to share the life-transforming message of the Everlasting Gospel of Jesus with “every nation, tribe and people” (Revelation 14:6). The churches in Kenya, East Africa, are reaching out for HELP to share the Good News with their neighbours and communities who don’t know the Lord, and have not heard the vital truths of the 3 Angels Messages.
Amazing Facts Oceania has responded to the call, and our team from Australia are preparing to take a group of Pastors, Lay Preachers and Health Workers on a 2 week mission trip to Kenya in June this year. The plan is to run a large-scale Evangelistic Campaign which runs simultaneously across multiple preaching sites in the evenings, with medical outreach clinics running during the day.
We have 12 Pastors & Lay Evangelists and 5 medical workers on the team so far. If you would like to be involved, there are still a few spaces for Pastors and medical personnel such as Doctors, Nurses, Dentists and Medical Missionaries who have a heart to bless others.
Please contact our team leader Ettienne for more information: | 0455 500 055
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send and who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” Isaiah 6:8
Other ways to GO For Jesus
Our team in Australia URGENTLY needs help to fund the hiring of tents & sound gear for the meetings, as well as Bibles, Bible studies and medical equipment for the health sites. There are 20 sites @ $3,000 AU per site. Will you help reach them for Jesus? Thank you for being a hope-bringer for the people of Kenya!
“…Assuredly I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it unto Me” Matthew 25:40.
Your kind gift of $50 will enable 10,000 seekers to view messages of HOPE on social media and invite them to the Kenya mission.
A generous gift of $100 will help purchase Bibles, Bible Study Guides, and life-saving health equipment for Kenya mission.
A mega-sized “send me” gift of $500 will help fund the equipment such as tents and sound gear required to preach the Gospel to 20 sites in Africa that will reach hundreds of thousands of people for Christ, and result in baptisms into God’s remnant church.
Any sized gift will be multiplied in God’s hands as were the loaves and the fishes.

Amazing Facts is committed to preaching the Gospel through every means possible in every corner of the globe, while the doors of opportunity remain open. During the Covid lockdowns, we wondered if we would ever have an opportunity again to freely travel and run large-scale evangelistic outreach. Now we are running evangelistic campaigns all over the world! Our God is merciful. But time is running out, and lost people must be given an opportunity to make a decision to follow Christ. Will you join us in the fight to win souls for eternity?
“And this Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all nations, and then the end will come” Matthew 24:14.
Guiding souls on the road to Heaven,
Pastor Doug Batchelor
President, Amazing Facts International

An Amazing Fact:
Of the more than eight billion Google searches per day, around two billion are phrased as questions.
Jesus says to “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know” Jeremiah 33:3.
In today’s complex world of puzzlement, people are looking for hope and answers.
Thanks to supporters like you, truth-filled answers are being made available to thousands of seekers in the online space!
To reach people who are “Googling” for answers to life’s questions, we are investing heavily into Search Engine Optimisation for Amazing Facts Oceania website and currently have Christian writers preparing articles to answer people’s questions on Google in relation to God, Faith and Bible Truth. Please pray for this important project.
In one month in Australia and the South Pacific, Amazing Facts Oceania reached 450,000 people through our Facebook and Instagram pages, pointing searching hearts to Jesus and the life-transforming Word of God! Thanks to Pastor Doug’s powerful messages and our talented team who work on social media, Amazing Facts

Oceania Facebook and Instagram accounts are GROWING! Facebook almost doubled in 5 months from 11.5K to 20K since we have been posting Pastor Doug’s sermon reels a couple of times a day from the Pinnacle of Prophecy series. In the same time frame, Amazing Facts Oceania Instagram followers grew exponentially from 250 to 3,500 followers. And thousands more who don’t follow our pages are watching, listening and engaging with us.
Online User C. G. said: “This is new teaching for me, but I want to know more. How can I hear more of these messages?”
We directed C.G. to Amazing Facts Oceania YouTube channel to watch a full series from Pastor Doug Batchelor. Many of our online / TV viewers then sign up for FREE Bible studies, and are later connected with a fellowship group near them.
Milan and Candice learned about the blessing of the Sabbath from Pastor Doug, and were excited to know there was a church that believed what Doug Batchelor taught right in the suburb where they live in Melbourne, Victoria. They made the move from being a TV viewer to enjoying warm fellowship with others just last Saturday and loved it!