“Then the king was deeply moved, and went up to the chamber over the gate, and wept. And as he went, he said thus: ‘O my son Absalom—my son, my son Absalom—if only I had died in your place! O Absalom my son, my son!’ ” (2 Samuel 18:3).
When a parent loses a child, the pain is overwhelming. It is common for a father and mother to experience shock, numbness, confusion, and even disbelief. These first emotions may fade and other feelings can emerge, such as guilt, anger, loneliness, despair, sad- ness, and regret. People process grief in their unique ways. Some express their pain openly while others keep it locked up inside.
The journey of grief has many hills and valleys. It lasts much longer than most people in society think. People within the same family may process their hurt at different speeds and in different ways. Many find help in a support group with others who have also lost a child. It’s important to not feel pressured by others to “get over it.” Can you ever fully let go of the loss of a child?
Absalom wanted to kill his father and become the new king of Israel. When he openly rebelled against David and rallied an army to support him, David told his own three generals, “Deal gently for my sake with the young man Absalom” (2 Samuel 18:5).
David’s army was far superior, and Absalom’s troops suffered a devastating loss. When Absalom tried to escape through the woods riding a donkey, his head caught in the branches of a tree. Joab, David’s army commander, thrust three spears through the young man’s heart, and then he and his soldiers buried him under a large pile of rocks.
When news of Absalom’s death reached the king, David could not restrain his tears. His mourning was heard by all the people around. Such was the grief of a father, even when his own son was his adversary. We can only wonder at such love that led Christ to die for us while we were His enemies.
Father in heaven, You gave Your only Son and it broke Your heart. Thank You for this priceless gift.
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