Hovercrafts are air-cushion vehicles (ACVs) capable of traveling over land, water, ice, mud, and other surfaces. As a type of aircraft, they are operated by pilots rather than by marine vessel captains,
though they often travel over water. Blowers are used on a hovercraft to create a large volume of air below the hull that is just above atmospheric pressure. The difference in pressure produces a lift so that the hull floats just above the running surface. ACVs were invented by the British in the 1950s.
A more recent invention, which was first a fictional floating skateboard without wheels, is the hoverboard. While many claims have been made (and debunked) for autonomously powered personal levitating crafts, a Romania-born Canadian inventor, Catalin Alexandru Duru, set a world record by traveling over 300 yards and up to sixteen feet in the air over a lake on a hoverboard of his own design. Almost a year later, on April 30, 2016, a new record was set by Franky Zapata from France whose jet engine propulsion hoverboard carried him over 2,400 yards.
When Jesus’ disciples were in a sinking boat out on Lake Galilee, they were rankled with discontent. Christ had spoiled their plans to crown Him king and as night settled over them, the storm inside their boat was matched by contrary winds that began to pummel the craft. Jesus saw them floundering and came out to them, walking on the water. He wasn’t riding a hoverboard. His divine power was never used to care for His own personal needs, but only for rescuing others.
Whether you are in a sinking boat or descending into a pit of despair, Christ can reach you right where you are. Only Jesus can lift you from the pit of sin and carry you safely to solid ground. Reach up and take His hand.
“Love lifted me! Love lifted me! When nothing else could help, love lifted me!”
For Further Study: Matthew 14:22–33; Isaiah 43:2; John 6:14–21
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