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Bible Answers Live with Pastor Doug Batchelor and Pastor Jean Ross, Ep24

Bible Answers Live with Pastor Doug Batchelor and Pastor Jean Ross, Ep24 (09/24/2023) TIME STAMPS: 00:00 – Intro 01:37 – Program Begins 07:28 – Can science prove the Biblical record of the sun standing still and moving backwards? 09:04 – Revelations 21 verse 4 says we will not remember the former things. What are the former things? 10:47 – Regarding Matthew 26 verse 28, what covenant are we currently under? 13:36 -What does Revelation 14 verse 13 mean when it says, “Blessed are those who die in the Lord from henceforth?” 15:23 – Who are the 24 elders in Revelation? 17:54 – Biblically speaking, what does the word “glory” mean and what is it? 21:01 – Is the true Sabbath calculated by the phases of the moon? How can we be sure which day of the week it is? 24:17 – Does the pope’s sixth encyclical have any significance? 26:03 – Is it okay to ask someone that is not a Sabbath-keeper to cover my work shift? 32:20 – What does the Bible say about hell and the judgement of the wicked? 37:16 – What does Matthew 5 verse 48 mean when it says “Be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect”? 40:28 – Can you sell your soul to the Devil and, if so, is it reversible? 43:25 – Regarding 1 Corinthians 5 verse 8, what does Paul mean by saying “keep the feasts”? 45:29 – At the second coming, if a woman is pregnant will the child be raised in heaven? 47:01 – According to Matthew 12 verse 45, are there different levels of wickedness with evil angels? 49:46 – According to the annual feasts in Leviticus 23: verses 1-3, does the weekly Sabbath change? 54:21 – Did Ellen G White predict the second coming? 55:35 – Is 1 Samuel 16 verses 16 and 23 saying that evil spirits came from God? 58:02 – Is Satan an angel? 58:28 – Does a person need to be baptized to get into heaven? 59:10 – Can anyone perform a baptism? 59:41 – Do we know anything more about the mark that was placed on Cain when he killed Abel? 1:00:18 – Why are there gates in the New Jerusalem if there’s nothing evil on the outside?

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