Fifth Commandment

“Honour your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the LORD your God is giving you. Ex 20:12

Parents hold a special position deserving of love and respect that is unique to any other relationship. God Himself has entrusted parents with the responsibility of caring for the souls entrusted to them, appointing them to stand in His place during the early years of a child’s life. Thus, those who reject the rightful authority of their parents are, in essence, rejecting the authority of God.

The fifth commandment not only calls for children to show respect, submission, and obedience to their parents, but also to love them, care for them, and support them in their old age. It encourages children to ease their parents’ burdens, protect their reputation, and provide comfort and support as they grow older. Additionally, the commandment emphasizes respect towards ministers, rulers, and all other figures who hold delegated authority from God.

The apostle Paul refers to this commandment as the first one with a promise. For the Israelites anticipating entry into the Promised Land, it was a pledge of long life within that bountiful land for those who were obedient. However, its significance extends further to include all who belong to the people of God, promising eternal life on a renewed earth, free from the curse of sin.


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