“When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, ‘Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord!’ ” (Luke 5:8).

Les Anderson knew he had something big on the end of his hook when a Chinook salmon swallowed his Spin Glow lure. Anderson was fishing on the Kenai River in Alaska on May 17, 1985, where lots of people have snagged this largest species of salmon for centuries. Chi- nook, nicknamed “king” salmon, grow big, fight hard, and taste great.

Although trophy-sized fish are reeled in every year, when Les pulled the record-breaking Chinook into his boat after forty minutes of wrestling with the giant, he discovered he had a whopper. The International Game and Fish Association has recorded only two record Chinook salmon weighing over ninety pounds. Anderson’s catch set the bar high at ninety- seven pounds, fourteen ounces.

Jesus once took four men on a fishing trip. While walking along the Sea of Galilee, He stopped and asked Simon Peter if he would push out his boat a little way so He could speak to the crowds while standing in the vessel. The fishermen and his brother agreed. Afterward, Christ invited the brothers to toss in their net, but Peter was reluctant: “Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless, at Your word I will let down the net” (Luke 5:5). The result was a record-breaking catch that nearly sank their boat. Even when their partners, James and John, came to their aid, both boats overflowed with fish.

The sudden experience hooked Peter’s heart, and he fell at the feet of Jesus in humility. The self-confident fisherman realized there was a Divine fisherman standing before him. When Peter acknowledged his own sinful- ness, it was then that Jesus said, “Do not be afraid. From now on you will catch men” (verse 10).

Are you ready to cast your lure for Christ?

Precious Jesus, lead me to someone today to whom I can introduce You, my Master and Saviour.

For Further Study: Matthew 4:18–22; Mark 1:16–20; Luke 5:1–11

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